Hello…hello? I know it’s 2022 but never too late to begin a blog. I’m hoping.

Hi, I’m Jenny and that’s me in the Gulf of Mexico at Pensacola Beach when it was 60 degrees outside. I completely plunged in and let the water take me over. It was pretty damn cold. But when the sun was hitting me just right and the cool stinging feeling of the water splashed me, I felt free. The ocean breeze was fantastical and I spent a couple hours alone just me and my thoughts. I sincerely thought the moments that took place that day were made just for me. I had never felt so at peace. I had a good cry and felt like a huge boulder had been removed out of my way for things I would like to accomplish in my life. It’s been about 6 weeks since that picture was taken, and I’m still acting like the boulder is in my way. (I think I may be the boulder.) Well one thing I have wanted to do for a very long time is write. The only way I felt like it would be any sort of accomplishment was if I had a blog to share some of my thoughts. Not sure why. I’m sure I’ll figure that out on this journey of mine, along with many other things. Hope you’ll join me for the ride.

I’ll be talking about my life, living with anxiety/depression and fibromyalgia, my love, my kids and why I choose to homeschool them, my cats, my undying love for Mother Nature, food, some random B.S. that may come out of left field and anything in between. Oh and Taylor Swift. TS for life.

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